Sunday 22 February 2015

Gosh Crazy Volume Mascara

I've been meaning to do this review for ages but only now getting round to it! 
Not too long ago I went back out on a hunt down on a bb foundation that I just refused to accept had been discontinued so I was forced to use a different brand of foundation altogether, and stumbled across the mascara which I'm going to talk about now. 
It's this. Aka the new love of my life. If anybody knows me its to know  I'm obsessed with a couple of things, clothes make up, cheerleading and my babies (in no particular order of course). 
       Now as I was forced to find a similar bb foundation to the one I had before, the company 'Gosh' had won me over, similar thickness foundation I had before, little more expensive but not enough to hurt my pocket every time I needed to buy again. 
In superdrug at the time there was a deal of buy one get one half price so I bought the foundation and this mascara... Admittedly I was looking for the clubbing mascara that has two different brushes (one for the day, the other for night) but was open to new ones. And I was not disappointed!! 
Although it only came in the non-waterproof one, I wasn't particularly bothered as I dont buy waterproof anyway. 
10/10 from me. A couple of strokes fans out your lashes giving that false lash effect without it being too heavy on your eyes or overly clumpy, doesn't smudge onto the underneath of your eye so no having to keeping wiping with your finger constantly and only £6.99! 
*based on prices at superdrug February 2015* 

Lisette x 

My new journey

While I have two lovely boys who keep me busy, trying to keep fit without falling off or getting bored is very hard to do.
So recently I have decided that strong is the new skinny, and have started my journey using precision whey protein shakes. While I personally think it tastes like plastic, the results are working for me. Some days I do an hour of cardio with Jessica smith followed by sets of sit ups, mountain climbers and burpees, I can notice differences already.
It makes a difference with the amount I eat, I find myself eating a lot less but I have more energy, the shake is almost a slow release energy and if I do find myself peckish I'm usually snacking on grapes or strawberries anyway!!
I will be later posting some before, during and after pictures, so join me and my journey to something I'm so excited to share!

Lisette x

London Fashion week

Join me as we continue London fashion week 20-24th February 2015
London Fashion week has arrived for Autumn Winter 2015 and it seems that bright colours and different textures are here to stay!
As we saw in New York fashion week brighter is better, but is orange really the new black?