Sunday 22 February 2015

My new journey

While I have two lovely boys who keep me busy, trying to keep fit without falling off or getting bored is very hard to do.
So recently I have decided that strong is the new skinny, and have started my journey using precision whey protein shakes. While I personally think it tastes like plastic, the results are working for me. Some days I do an hour of cardio with Jessica smith followed by sets of sit ups, mountain climbers and burpees, I can notice differences already.
It makes a difference with the amount I eat, I find myself eating a lot less but I have more energy, the shake is almost a slow release energy and if I do find myself peckish I'm usually snacking on grapes or strawberries anyway!!
I will be later posting some before, during and after pictures, so join me and my journey to something I'm so excited to share!

Lisette x

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